
Troops foil multiple kidnap attempts in Plateau, Zamfara, kill IPOB terrorists in Imo

Troops foil multiple kidnap attempts in Plateau, Zamfara, kill IPOB terrorists in Imo

The Nigerian Army says its troops have foiled multiple kidnap attempts in Plateau and Zamfara, and neutralized IPOB/ESN terrorists in Imo State.

The Army spokesman, Maj.-Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, made this known in a statement on Tuesday in Abuja.

Nwachukwu said the troops on Tuesday rescued one Mrs Rosemary Jekpe, who was kidnapped at her residence in Abuja Layout, Bukuru Low Cost Housing Estate, in Jos South Local Government of Plateau.

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He said the kidnap victim was rescued at Rafinbuna village in Bassa Local Government Area of the state, after a firefight with the kidnappers.

According to him, the troops recovered one AK-47 Rifle and two motorcycles from the criminals.

Nwachukwu said the troops also conducted a targeted raid on a suspected criminal enclave at Zamtip village in Wase Local Government Area of the state, following actionable intelligence.

He said one criminal was apprehended while another, in a bid to evade arrest, shot and killed himself during the operation.

According to him, troops recovered one AK-47 Rifle, five rounds of 7.62mm (Special) ammunition, two empty cases of 7.62mm, three sim cards and one Jackknife from the criminals.

The Army spokesman said the troops in another operation in Zamfara, foiled the abduction of three persons by violent extremists at the outskirts of Kwatarkwashi in Gusau Local Government Area.

According to him, troops overpowered the extremists in a shootout, forcing them to abandon the three kidnap victims.

He said that one of the victims who sustained injury was evacuated to a hospital for medical attention, while efforts were ongoing to apprehend the perpetrators.

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In South Eastern Nigeria, Nwachukwu said the troops, on Monday, neutralised one IPOB/ESN militant in a sting operation in Ihiteukwa community, Orsu Local Government Area of Imo.

He said the troops responded to intelligence report of the establishment of a new camp by the militants notorious for their reign of terror in the state.

“They were engaged in a gun duel by the troops, resulting in the elimination of one of them, while others took to their heels.

“Troops have destroyed the terrorists’ camp and are on the trail of the fleeing militants.

“Troops recovered a fabricated single barrel gun from the militants.”

He reaffirmed Nigerian Army’s commitment to safeguarding the lives and property of all citizens.

“We sincerely extend our gratitude to vigilant members of the public, whose cooperation remains instrumental to ongoing efforts to combat insurgency, terrorism and sundry criminality across the nation,” he added.

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Written by Nike

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