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Kyari commended over his reforms to revitalize NNPC Ltd

NNPC Ltd MD, Mele Kyari

An expert in the oil and gas industry, Dr Kailani Muhammed, has commended the Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO), Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL), Malam Mele Kyari, for introducing positive reforms to revitalise the company.

Muhammed, an engineer and former NNPC staff in Kaduna State, gave the commendation in a statement in Abuja on Sunday.

He noted that Kyari’s giant giant strides, positive contributions and focused leadership in the oil and gas sector in the last four years had been remarkable.

“The GCEO has put positive reforms in place to revamp the oil and gas industry since his assumption of office about four years ago.

“In spite of the numerous challenges be-deviling the sector, Kyari has grown crude oil production to an enviable level of 1.7 million bpd of crude oil and condensate combined as at Sept. 2023.

“According to the fourth quarter of 2022 figures released, Nigeria has regained its position as the largest crude oil producer in Africa, ahead of Algeria’s 1.021 million barrels/day and Angola’s 1.088mb/d in November 2022,” he said.

Muhammed noted that Kyari was able to achieve the feat in spite of the oil theft and pipeline vandalism overwhelming Nigeria’s oil business in recent week.

He said the NNPCL under Kyari, adopted the Saudi Aramco’s model of using video surveillance to monitor its pipelines carrying crude oil from wells to flow stations in the Niger Delta region.

“The NNPCL in collaboration with security agencies, has also put up a Control Centre, to provide surveillance of all the country’s oil and gas assets in the Niger Delta,” he said.

According to him, the surveillance system, known as the Central Coordination, Data Integration and Activation Control Room, just like the Saudi Aramco, uses video visibility to monitor the country’s Niger Delta pipeline networks, where more than 90 percent of the country’s crude is explored.

“Through the Data Control Centre, the NNPC, has the capability to see and monitor the movement of vessels in the coast of Nigeria’s territorial waters in real time.

“From the facility, officials of the NNPCL, working with operatives of the Nigerian Navy and other security agencies, can determine, in real time, if a vessel is carrying out operations within Nigeria’s coastal waters legally.

“Beyond arresting crude oil thieves and shutting down illegal refineries, the NNPCL under his leadership, has expanded the frontiers for crude oil production,” he said.

Muhammed listed one of the most impressive accomplishments of Kyari’s stewardship at NNPCL, was the flag-off of the Kolmani Integrated Development Project in Bauchi State in November 2022.

According to him, this marked the first ever, commencement of effort to commercially exploit oil in the Northern part of Nigeria.

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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