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Be on forefront of fight against corruption – Tinubu urges varsities

President Bola Tinubu has called on Nigerian universities to be at the forefront in the fight against corruption as prime institutions of learning.

Tinubu made the call at the second combined 3rd and 4th convocation ceremony of the Federal University Gusau, FUGUS, which was held in Gusau on Saturday.

The president, represented by the Vice-Chancellor of the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Prof. Lawal Bilbis, said universities as centres of learning and shaping the critical thinking of people, especially youth, need to take the lead in fighting corruption and other social vices among the teeming generation.

Tinubu said: “This administration had increased budgetary allocation to education, defence, humanitarian and health sectors because of the importance it attaches to them.”

He assured of government’s commitment in bringing the perpetrators of students’ abduction and all other criminals to book.

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