
AFCON 2021: Don’t underrate any team, Izilein warns Eagles

Nigeria's Super Eagles

By Lawrence Oshodi –

Ex Super Falcons coach, Godwin Izilein, has warned the Super Eagles against underrating any team if they are to win the trophy at the ongoing AFCON 2021 in Cameroon.

Izilein gave the warning in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Benin.

He said Coach Augustine Eguavoen had shown that local coaches could hold their own when given a conducive atmosphere to operate.

Izilein said he was not surprised by the performance of the players under Eguavoen.

He stressed the need for local coaches to be given same opportunity accorded foreign coaches to get the best out of them.

“There is no encomium too much for the coaches and the players for making the country proud in Cameroon because nobody expected the performance they have so far displayed.

“Like I have always said, we have good coaches locally and what was needed for them to excel is a conducive atmosphere,” he said.

As for those saying the players lack creativity, Izilien said the most important thing was to win our matches.

“We need to win our matches before you talk of individual creativity.

“Minors in Africa are springing surprises; Algeria were humiliated by Equatorial Guinea while Cape Verde have also not let their people down in Cameroon.

“This is to say that no team should be underrated, every team has equal opportunity of winning the competition,” he said. 

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Written by Editor lll

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