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Almost 1.7m World Cup tickets sold after latest sales stage – FIFA

FIFA says almost 1.7 million tickets have been sold for the World Cup in Russia after some 400,000 were snapped up in the latest sales stage which ended on Tuesday.

The ruling body FIFA said that 394,433 tickets were sold during a first-come, first-served window since March 13.

Russians dominated by buying 216,134 of them, followed by fans from the not qualified U.S. (16,462),
Argentina (15,006), Colombia (14,755) and Mexico (14,372).

In all, 1,698,049 tickets have now been sold for the June 14 to July 15 tournament in 11 Russian cities, FIFA said,
naming overall international demand at 53 per cent.

A final sales phase starts April 18, also first come, first-served.(Sputnik/NAN)

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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