
WASA 2023: Troops of TRADOC Nigerian Army, 31 Artillery Brigade synergize for new year

Troops of TRADOC Nigerian Army, 31 Artillery Brigade synergize for new year

…..WASA 2023: Troops of TRADOC Nigerian Army, 31 Artillery Brigade synergize for new year

The Headquarters Training and Doctrine Command Nigerian Army ( TRADOC NA) and 31 Artillery Brigade, co-located in Minna Military Cantonment has celebrated the end of the year 2023, staging the West African Social Activities ( WASA).

The colourful ceremony which was held at the cantonment parade ground on Thursday 11 January 2024 was with pomp and ceremony.

WASA, an annual event of the Nigerian Army is designed for the officers, personnel, families and friends of the Nigerian Army in all formations and units across the country to dine and wine to end the year’s activities and to strategise and synergise for the new year.

The Special Guests of Honour at the 2023 WASA who doubles as Commander Training and Doctrine Command Nigerian Army, Major General Kevin Aligbe was ably represented by the Chief of Doctrine and Combat Development of the TRADOC NA, Major General Jamiu Jimoh.

He commended the troops for their excellent performance in the fight against banditry and insurgency in the North West and North Central.

Major General Aligbe stated that insurgency in Niger state has been dislodged, adding that the war against insurgency is well on course steadily and effectively in the country.

In his remarks, the commander 31 Artillery Brigade NA Brigadier General Hamidu Dahiru Bobbo expressed appreciation to the COAS for providing the needed support for the Brigade to be ontop of its mandate.

Brigadier General Bobbo identified the crucial and critical areas of support to the Brigade by the Army boss to include welfarism and enhancement of troops capacities through training and retraining of the officers and personnel.

He described WASA as a veritable social gathering to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the diversed tribes and tongues from the six Geo Political Zones in the country.

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The Commander said WASA is also promoting unity in diversity just as it is also a platform for officers and soldiers to unwind after a very vigorous and rigorous task in defending the nation’s territorial integrity all year round.

General Bobbo assured that the Brigade will continue to support the COAS in achieving his goals for the NA by decimating the remnant of terrorists within its Area of Responsibility.

Further more he assured COAS of the unalloyed loyalty and cooperation of officers and soldiers of the Brigade to the service.

Highlights of the event were cultural display by different ethnic groups, entertainments and presentation of awards to deserving personnel and lightening of the camp fire night.

…..WASA 2023: Troops of TRADOC Nigerian Army, 31 Artillery Brigade synergize for new year

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Written by Nike

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