Turmeric – An Asian Spice for Good Health

By Vera Awuah –

E-mail: honnyveea3@gmail.com

Turmeric is a popular yellow spice renowned for its health benefits. It has been used for as a spice for centuries and is popular in the Asian cuisine. The bright yellow spice powder made from the root of a plant in the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), Curcuma longa has been part of traditional Indian medicine for thousands of years.

Turmeric is also known as the golden spice. Most of its health benefits and properties can be attributed to a curcumin compound that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin is a component of the Indian spice turmeric (Curcumin longa), a type of ginger.

How Effective is Tumeric?

However, you may wonder whether it is effective and how much you would have to take to see results.   

  1. Turmeric safety and adverse effects:

Turmeric is a safe spice for the human beings and curcuma is considered safe for health benefits.

A research study demonstrates that taking up to eight grams of curcumin per day poses little risk to health, though long-term studies is required to ascertain this. Nonetheless, people who take a dose of this compound may experience adverse effects such as allergic reactions, vomiting, stomach pains, constipation, skin rush, diarrhea, and nausea.

Also, those with the following conditions should avoid turmeric supplements:

  1. Bleeding disorders: Turmeric may hinder blood clotting, which may cause issues in people with bleeding disorders.
  2. Diabetes: These spice or supplement may interact with diabetes medications and may cause blood sugar levels to fall too low.
  3. Iron deficiency: Turmeric also hinder Iron absorption in the system.
  4. Kidney stones: This Asian spice is high in oxalates, which is a compound that may bind to calcium and contribute to kidney stone formation. Please do note that there is insufficient evidence regarding the safety of these spice or supplements among pregnant or breastfeeding women. Therefore, they should avoid them if they have not been prescribed by their doctor or if they are not sure.

Moreover, some turmeric products supplements may contain filler ingredients not revealed on their label, so it is best to choose a supplement that has been certified by a third party. Curcumin may also interact with many medications, including anti coagulants antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, antihistamine, and chemotherapy drugs.


It is advisable that if you want to use the supplements do consult your health care provider to determine whether turmeric or curcumin supplements are right for you. Turmeric and curcumin are widely considered safe, but large doses may have adverse effects.

How to Use Tumeric

Turmeric comes in several forms, though the easiest way to use it is as a cooking spice. It is also enjoyed in beverages like turmeric ginger tea, and golden milk, which is made by heating milk, turmeric, ginger, black pepper and cinnamon powder. In Indian cuisine turmeric is commonly consumed in tea with black pepper and other ingredients like honey, ginger, olive oil and coconut oil.

Most human studies suggest that health benefits are only seen at higher doses such as those found in turmeric extracts or curcumin supplements. That is because turmeric is used in all small amount as a spice. Moreover, the spice contains a mere 2-8% curcumin whereas extracts pack up to 59% curcumin. You may want to choose a supplement that includes black pepper as it’s compound significantly improves curcumin absorption.


Although there are no official dosage guidelines for these supplements, most research suggest that 500-2000mg of turmeric extracts per day is sufficient to see potential benefits. However, you should avoid taking high doses of turmeric for longer than 2-3 months at a time.

Remember to inform your health care provider of any supplements you are taking. including turmeric and curcumin. Turmeric is a popular spice associated with many health benefits, including heart, brain health and it helps in weight loss by regulating sugar levels and further preventing insulin resistance.

As you read more about this wonderful and nutritious spice you will love every recipe that comes with it.

Happy healthy eating!

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