Tanzania President Samia Suluhu swears in new ministers after reshuffling cabinet

Following a minor reshuffle, four new ministers and an Attorney-General were sworn in on Monday in Tanzania.

President Samia Suluhu announced the selections on Sunday, removing three ministers and re-appointing two from former President John Magufuli’s administration.

Dr. Stergomena Tax was inducted in as Minister of Defence and National Service in the reshuffle, two days after being sworn in as a Member of Parliament to replace Elias Kwandikwa, who died on August 2. Mr. Kwandikwa was also the Minister of Defense.

Dr. Tax, a former Executive Secretary of the Southern African Development Community (Sadc), is Tanzania’s first female Defense Minister.

January Makamba, a Bumbuli MP, was sworn in as Minister of Energy, succeeding Dr. Medard Kalemani, whose appointment had been annulled.

Before Magufuli rescinded his appointment, Mr Makamba junior served as Minister of State in the Vice President’s Office (Union and Environmental Affairs).

Prof Makame Mbarawa, who previously served as Minister of Works and Transportation under Magufuli’s administration, has been named the next Minister of Works and Transportation, succeeding Dr Leonard Chamuriho.

Dr. Ashatu Kijaji was named Minister of Community and Information, a newly constituted ministry, by President Samia, who replaced Dr. Faustine Ndugulile.

The President transferred the Information Services Department from the Ministry of Information, Culture, Arts, and Sports to the new Ministry of Information, Culture, Arts, and Sports, which is headed by Dr. Kijaji.

She also chose Dr. Eliezer Feleshi as the new Attorney General (AG), succeeding Prof Adelardus Kilangi, who was appointed as an ambassador.

Dr. Feleshi was the High Court’s Principal Judge prior to his appointment.

At State House Chamwino in Dodoma, the new officials were sworn in.

Shortly after the new appointments were sworn in, President Obama asked leaders around the country to respect the leadership code and avoid using harsh language and abrasiveness to carry out government mandates.

She also stated that she would continue to make required reforms.

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