Tanzania ends water rationing in Dar es Salaam region

Tanzania’s Dar es Salaam region authorities on Friday announced an end to a one-month water rationing after rains in upper regions had filled the Ruvu River.

Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Amos Makalla announced the end of water rationing in the region after he had visited the Ruvu River and saw water flowing like before the rationing was announced.

On Oct. 24, Makalla announced the water rationing for Dar es Salaam and Coast regions after water levels had dropped in Ruvu River, the two regions’ main source of water.

Cyprian Luhemeja, chief executive officer of Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority, said the authority was now producing a total of 590 million liters of water daily for Dar es Salaam region from the Ruvu River, the Wami River and other sources while water demand for the Dar es Salaam region is 544 million liters daily.


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