
SSANU, NASU strike cripples academic activities at Federal University Wukari 

SSANU, NASU strike cripples academic activities at Federal University Wukari 

The Senior Staff Association of Nigeria Universities, (SSANU) and Non Academic Staff Union of Universities (NASU) in Federal University Wukari Taraba State, have joined the 7-day warning strike declared by the national body of the association.

The chairman of SSANU, Federal University Wukari Chapter, Comr. Stephen Egah Tadawus said the Federal University Wukari joined the strike in compliance with the memo received from the national body from the two Union that the strike should be total and comprehensive.

He stressed that the industrial action is for the non payment of four months salaries of the staff.

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Stephen further explained that the warning strike is not to crippled the leadership system of the University but to ensure the system is working effectively.

Stephen, who doubles as joint action committee chairman disclosed that a joint Congress meeting with all the non teaching staff of the University was held and a decision reached to join the strike which is total and comprehensive.

Meanwhile, an enforcement committee was inaugurated to ensure every staff complied and offices were closed alongside with the University main entrance gate which prevents vehicles coming in to the University campus.

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Speaking with Non Academic Staff of the University (NASU) Chairman, Federal University Wukari, Comr. Joel Magaji Kasuwa reiterated that the University had joined the strike to ensure that the Federal Government has responds to their demand.

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Written by Nike

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