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Southern Cameroon urges U.S. to mediate in peace talks with Republic of Cameroon

BY Callistus Offor (ABUJA)

The leadership of the Ambazonia Interim Government, an independentist group in Southern Cameroon has called on the United States Government to take the led in the negotiation process that will lead to a peace talk with La Republique du Cameroon (LRC).

The President of the Anglophone independentists, Samuel Sako made the call during a virtual press conference via Zoom on Tuesday.

He said the process of inclusive and cooperative dialogue should be undertaken with trusted third parties – Switerland and the Canadian Government in order to ensure compliance with the resolutions

Mr. Sako, who lamented the impact of the genocide war on the people of southern Cameroon, called on the international communities to prevail on the Republic of Cameroon to revert to its initial agreement of 1961, which brought together the two entities.

He stressed that his Interim Government would not be part of any talks aimed at ending the genocidal war on Ambazonians, if the mediator has not been agreed upon by the belligerent parties.

“In a war situation, where we are been annexed and systematically annihilated by our annexationist. We can’t negotiate with our oppressors without a mediator or guarantor. It’s just like sending a victim to go and meet the perpetrators without the present of the police or law. What type of justice do you think the victims we get?. He queried.

“America should be the convener of the meeting. Since the U.S. Government have a way if getting President Paul Biya of attending a meeting which they want him to attend. When Americans get involve, the negotiation process works”.

“LRC must be represented on the table through official delegations. We can’t have a proper dialogue without the political leadership of LRC that is responsible for the killings and genocide in Ambazonia”.

“Any dialogue that does not bring the LRC to the table for talks is a distraction. And distractions won’t bring peace. They will only empower the enemy to continue with their mission of annihilation and deceive the world that some kind of solutions will emerge from some where even when there is no process. Anything shirt of process will not get the Interim Government of Ambazonia on the table.

President Sako also blamed La Republique du Cameroon (LRC), outright rejection of the Swiss – led mediation talks, which made Switerland to pulled out as mediator of any possible talks between Ambazonia and LRC” .

He called on the super power, European Union (EU), U.S and other international communities to press on La Republique du Cameroon to fall back to the initial Swiss – led mediation talks.

Ending the conflict through negotiation, according to him will accelerate disarmament, return of refugees, displaced persons and total restoration of peace in Southern Cameroon.

The conflict between the independentist group and with government troops since 2017, has left at least 6000 people dead and nearly 800,000 people displaced

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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