
Reps mull review of 2024 Hajj fare

The House of Representatives has initiated steps to review the amount to be paid by prospective pilgrims for the 2024 Hajj.

The resolution, followed the adoption of a motion by Rep. Umar Shehu-Ajilo (PDP-Kaduna) during plenary in Abuja on Thursday.Shehu-Ajilo argued that Hajj remains an important pillar of the Islamic religion that entails visit to the Holy Mosques and other historical sites, among other significant rituals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The lawmaker, however, expressed concern at  the N5 million amount fixed for 2024 Hajj, describing it as very expensive for many prospective pilgrims who are in the middle and low income categories.“Given the prevailing economic reality, it has become necessary to review the processes and procedures adopted by the National Hajj Commission to arrive at this year’s fare to make it affordable for some class of Nigerians seeking to embark on this religious trip,’’ he said.Adopting the resolution, the House urged the Federal Government to intervene by subsidising the 2024 Hajj fare to enable average income earner participate in the religious ritual.It also mandated its Committee on Muslim Pilgrimage to engage the National Hajj Commission to look into the matter

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