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President Museveni warns against foreign interference in Uganda’s politics

YOWERI MUSEVENI, Ugandan President

President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has warned against foreign interference in the country’s politics days after an opposition urged the U.S. to suspend military aid over the government’s human rights record.

Museveni also accused some unnamed foreign countries of seeking to influence the nation’s politics by
funnelling assistance to the opposition through non-governmental organisations.

“It is important that external players refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of other
countries,” Museveni told a news conference.

“If there’s any problem in Uganda, I surely will handle it better than the outsider.”

On Friday, the U.S. lawyer for opposition lawmaker Robert Kyagulanyi, a musician known by his
stage name Bobi Wine, called on the United States to stop funding Uganda’s military as a
punitive measure against what Kyagulanyi said was torture by authorities in his country.

Kyagulanyi and fellow parliamentarian Francis Zaake say they were tortured by security forces while
in detention in August.

The case led to protests against Museveni.

Kyagulanyi, who has emerged as a formidable threat to the president, was charged with treason over his
alleged role in the stoning of Museveni’s convoy during campaigning for a parliamentary seat.

The government in Kampala denies torturing Kyagulanyi.

In power since 1986, Museveni has been widely accused by opposition critics and rights campaigners of
using security forces to suppress opposition to his rule.

“NGOs funded by foreign governments actually give money to opposition players, give advice, lie on
their behalf,” Museveni said.

Museveni also said his government had taken a decision to deploy thousands of auxiliary forces in the
capital Kampala to boost security after a rash of assassinations of prominent people, including
two police officers, a lawmaker and a public prosecutor.

In July, the constitution was amended to remove the presidential age limit of 75 years, meaning
Museveni can run again for president in 2021 — the year the country hopes to begin oil
production. (Reuters/NAN)

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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