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Plateau health agency engages stakeholders for enhanced service delivery

The Director – General (D-G) of PLASCHEMA, Dr Agabus Manasseh, on Thursday in Jos, said the meeting was also an avenue to reflect on their achievements and to chart a path towards a more integrated, efficient healthcare delivery system in the state.

Agubus, who was represented by Mrs Evelyn Dantak, the agency’s Director Human Resources and Administration, said that the engagement was imperative to discuss the progress in the implementation of the Plateau Social Health Insurance Scheme and its challenges.

He further said that the meeting would also boost the agency’s relationship with its service providers.

Agubus, commended the various healthcare facilities for providing qualitative services to the enrollees .

The D-G called for active participation and constructive dialogue among attendees.

One of the participants, who spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Dr Lenkop Danlami, the Medical Director, Hwolshe Medical centre, said the engagement organised by PLASCHEMA was salient and should be done periodically to enable service providers have regular interface with the agency .

NAN, reports that healthcare facilities, stand alone laboratories and community pharmacies affiliated to the agency were in attendance.(

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Written by Nike

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