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Nigeria will keep pledges made to ECOWAS Parliament, says President Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari

By Jacob Kubeka (ABUJA) –

President Muhammadu Buhari has assured that Nigeria would keep pledges made to the ECOWAS Parliament, and to the sub-regional body at large. 

The President spoke Tuesday at State House, Abuja, while receiving a team from ECOWAS Parliament, led by the Speaker, Dr Sidie Mohammed Tunis. 

Special Adviser to the President (Media and Publicity), Femi Adesina, in a statement, said Buhari commended the parliament for planning to fill its positions subsequently through elections, which would be incorporated into general elections of member countries, noting that “it would be cost effective.” 

On the construction of a parliament building in Abuja, President Buhari said he was pleased that the body was collaborating with the Minister of Federal Capital Territory, adding: “We will try to encourage the contractor. All promises we made to ECOWAS Parliament, and the sub-regional group at large, would be fulfilled.” 

Speaker Tunis expressed sympathy to the government and people of Nigeria on the recent losses from terror attacks, saying Nigeria was resilient to defeat the terrorists. 

Dr. Tunis, Speaker, ECOWAS Parliament

He also applauded Nigeria for its many supports to the ECOWAS Parliament, informing that the plan is now to strengthen the body through electing its officials rather than their being appointed. 

“When they are elected, they will be more committed, and the election would be tied to national polls of member countries,” the Speaker said. 

He added that the vision for a parliament building in Abuja is that it would be completed before May, 2023, so that President Buhari would commission it before leaving office.

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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