NDLEA launches drug prevention campaign in Kano state in collaboration with Infotech Bridges, others


The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and the Federal Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with Infotech Bridges Limited, held a sensitization advocacy program on drug abuse among youths in Dawakin Kudu LGA of Kano state.

The program, which was held at National Institute of Transportation Technology (NITT) Dawakin Kudu Local Government in Kano state, was designed to educate 150 participants about the dangers of using and consuming illegal drugs among young people in Dawakin Kudu Local Government, especially youth

Objectives of the Training Programme
I.To promote mental health awareness within targeted communities.
II.To educate underage drinking, abuse of prescription drugs (pain killers) by youth, and abuse of alcohol.
III.To provide suicide prevention tips & techniques for participants.
IV.To educate participants on the symptoms and dangers of drug abuse through relevant and tested techniques and intervention approaches in view of the cultural context of the region.

The Training Programme used various methodologies in order to make the knowledge, skills and new attitudes gained in each session, more effective. The resource persons used the following methods  in combination in order to communicate the theme of the session in an effective manner:
•Mind Mapping sessions
•Brain Storming sessions
•Power Point Presentation;
•Small Group breakout sessions;
•Large Group breakout sessions;

The NDLEA Kano state commander in person of Abubakar Idris Ahmed spoke of the high prevalence rate of drugs in Warawa Local Government area is at high rate, commending the effort of  Hon Mustapha Dawaki and other affiliated agencies involved in the actualization of this programme.

Hon Mustapha Dawaki gave hisremarks on the importance of the youths and the need for capacity development of the Human capital in the area.
also present was the Head of Drug demand reduction, Kano state command Hajia Aisha Hamida She enumerated the different stages of drug usage and gave douth settling answers to particpants  who sumbited many question after the lectures.
reacting to the Questions form one particpants,  She stated that Kola nut was being abuse but should be used in moderation  

She also commended  this community based initative of Hon. Mustapha Dawaki ,  the project consultant ; Mr. Ethel Odimegwu C.E.O of Infotech Bridges Limited and the president of A New Thing International Foundation in person of Kenneth Anetor in providing a great opportunity to the youth of Dawakin Kudu L.G.A

Hon. Nura Sani Abdullah, The Special Assistant on Drugs to the Kano State Government,  in attendance conveyed the greetings of the Governor  to the youths in Dawakin Kudu Local Government Area of Kano State. He applauded the efforts of the organizers as he expressed his joy that his duty was being made easier by this program . He spoke about commonly abused drugs and the need for the youths to remain drug free to harness all their potentials.

He restated that the Government was Committed to continue to work with this moving train for a Drug Free Kano.

Mr Usman Garko Bello gave a enlightening presentation using the Drug Prevention treatment and care ( DPTC )curriculum developed by the United Natioms office on drugs and crime.

Mr Usman,  who is also The Assistant Manager for the Adolescent Health and Information went further to applaud the government  for this second program and advocated for more  support towards drug misuse sensitization initiatives in Kano state, from the urban to the rural areas.

Amb. Kenneth Anetor  the Consultant and representative of the senate committee on Drugs and narcotics said These Initatives from the NDLEA and Hon. Mustapha Dawaki, representing Dawaki/Warawa constituency in the House of Representatives were  part of a New Thing international foundations comittment made during the first program and inline with their policy of discouraging consumption and abuse of hard drugs among youth in Kano,  he used the Oppournity to call for more volunteers to join the ones who indicated intrest at the women focused program organized earlier

Amb. Kenneth along slide Hon. Mustapha Dawaki ,   Mr. Ethel Odimegwu and Members of A New Thing International Foundation lead the Whole particpants in a chant , shouting ” Save the Youth Save The future” which highlighted and ended the  program.

The program had in attendance,  Religious clerics , The media an Array of Government officals and a delegation from the National assembly of Nigeria.

The following are the major recommendation given by Independent observers.

•Affordable and accessible drug treatment (evidence based) be available for people with drug use disorders
•Scaling up comprehensive package of services for prevention, treatment and care of HIV among people who use drugs in community and prison settings
•Addressing stigma related to drug use
•Evidence-based drug use prevention programmes
•Availability of pain medication for medical & scientific purposes. Prevent diversion, misuse, & their illicit production/availability in the illicit market
•Monitoring & evaluating of drug use patterns, emerging trends, and responses to the drug problem
NDLEA to implement an intelligence-led policing model targeting mid- to high-level trafficker

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