
Nasarawa First lady, Dangote donates foodstuff to 2, 200 vulnerable persons

The wife of Gov. Abdullahi Sule of Nasarawa State, Haj. Silifat Sule, has donated foodstuff to 2, 200 vulnerable persons in Toto Local Government Area of the state.

Presenting the items on Monday in Toto, Sule said that the gesture was part of her modest contributions toward bettering the living conditions of the people, particularly the vulnerable ones in the state.

The first lady, who explained that the gesture, aimed at alleviating the sufferings of the less privileged ones, was supported by the Dangote Foundation.

Sule seized the opportunity and called on women in the state to be patient with their husbands and ensure proper upbringing of their children, owing to the current economic situation in the country.

”Women, please ensure proper upbringing of your children, especially the girl child.

”The rate of indecency and immorality in the society is on the increase and we can only make our society better through proper upbringing,”she advised.

The first lady also urged women to support their spouses in meeting the needs of their families, insisting that husbands alone can’t provide for the family at all times.

Speaking, Margret Elayo, Commissioner for Special Duties, Humanitarian and Non-Governmental-Organisations in the state, thanked the first lady and the Dangote Foundation for the gesture.

The commissioner also said that the welfare of the people remain a topmost priority of the current administration in the state, adding that government would continue to device ways of addressing the current hardship in the country.

On his part, Mr Labaran Magaji, the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice in the state, also thanked the donors for the gesture, adding that it would go a long way toward providing succour to the people.

Magaji also commended the state government for the security measures put in place to safeguard lives and property of the people in all troubled areas.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that some of items donated include, bags of rice, millet, maize, among others.

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Written by Nike

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