
Igbo leaders canvass support for Katsina APC guber candidate, Dikko Radda

APC Governorship Candidate for Katsina State

Igbo leaders from the 19 Northern states in Nigeria have drummed support for the Katsina State Governorship candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Dr. Dikko Umaru Radda.

The Igbo leaders also vowed to mobilized Ndigbo in Katsina State to vote massively for Dr. Radda during the 2023 governorship election in the state.

In a press conference held in Abuja, the Igbo Leaders led by Sir. Ikechukwu Chukwunyere, stated that Alh Dikko Umaru Radda has distinguished himself during his reign as the Director General of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN).

Sir. Chukwunyere said Dr. Radda has proven that he is a man of impeccable character that has what it takes to bring true dividends of democracy to the people of Katsina State.

He said: We the Igbo leaders are passing a vote of confidence on Dr. Radda because he is a vibrant young man, well articulated, energetic and technically sound to take up the baton from where Governor Aminu Masari will stop”.

“Dr. Dikko Umaru Radda PhD was appointed as Director General and Chief Executive Officer of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria in 2016, a daunting task of developing and growing MSMEs sub sector of the economy with the life span of Five years in office and his tenure was renewed for the first time in the history of the Agency by the President of Federal Republic of Nigeria

“President Muhammadu Buhari in 2021 giving the credence to the dictum that says “reward for work well done is opportunity to do more “.

Under his watch and unprecedented leadership style and superintendence, SMEDAN has recorded innumerable accomplishments; too many to list in an abridged post, but suffice point out few as follows:

1- Implementation of the Conditional Grant Scheme (CGS) for micro entrepreneurs in Nigeria programme where not fewer than 51,000 entrepreneurs have benefited from capacity building, micro insuarance, registration with Corporate Affairs Commission, financial inclusion account opening),grants of N50,000 each and delivery of business development services across more than 15 state in Nigeria.

2-Implementation of the One Local Government One Product (OLOP) programme where thousand of entrepreneurs under 563 cooperatives and operating within organic clusters have benefited from equipments, work space and working capital supports in the form of grant and soft loans as well as capacity building, access to markets and delivery business development services across all states of the federation including FCT.

3-Establishment of Accreditation and Certification Framework for Business Development Service Providers (BDSPs) in Nigeria to ensure that BDS delivery services to MSMEs maintain minimum standard.

4-Conducted 2017 and 2021 National Survey on MSMEs in partnership with National Bureau of Statistics to ensure availability of credible data for planning purposes within the MSME sun-sector in Nigeria.

5-Upgrading of the Industrial Development Centers (1DC) for purposes of providing serviced workspaces for MSMEs in Nigeria .

6- Establishment of the Market Place MSME Database in Nigeria to ensure that critical specific data is available for stakeholders within the MSMEs ecosystem in Nigeria.

7- Implementation of Young Business Owners Programme, It is towards addressing the economic challenges that Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) has initiated the Young Business Owners in Nigeria (Y-BON). The programme is to empower business owners between the ages of 20 and 45 with a view to reducing unemployment and improving on the self dependence among the youths.

8-Implementation of Agri-business Development Empowerment Programme which aim to promote and facilitate the development programmes and projects in the MSMEs sub-sector of the Nigerian economy.

9- Implementation of talent hunt in Nigeria which is geared towards employment generation through wealth creation and self-reliance, thereby reducing poverty among young people in Nigeria.

From the foregoing, Dr. Radda has exceedingly recorded giant stride in the MSME sub sector since assuming office and has remained passionate about the mandate of SMEDAN, as it is only in achieving these demanding responsibilities, that will stem the growing unemployment, youth restiveness and other sundry challenges facing Nigeria.

We therefore call on the people of Katsina to collect their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs) and vote massively for the former SMEDAN DG because he has established himself as a true leader, technocrat and economist of the highest order.

Our support for Dr. Radda stem from the fact that he is a detribalized politician who can lead the people out of its present socio-political and economic doldrums. We therefore call on all stakeholders to support and cooperate with him to ensure victory for the Katsina APC in 2023.

His experience as the erstwhile National Welfare Secretary of the APC and former chairman of Charanchi Local Government from 2005 to 2007 as well as a two-time caretaker chairman of the local government under late Umaru Musa Yar’Adua and Shehu Shema administrations respectively, have endowed him with great wealth of knowledge to pilot the affairs of Katsina State to greater heights

We strongly believe that if he is elected as governor under the APC come 2023, Dr. Radda would use his experience as the former Chief of Staff to Governor Aminu Masari, to end the state’s intractable woes and bring about sustainable economic prosperity in the state.

If given the opportunity to serve, his administration will tackle insecurity, increasing rate of poverty, poor access to social infrastructure, underdeveloped economic sector, lack of integration to national value chains, low-level of education and inadequate support for businesses in the state

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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