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Ibadan explosion: Makinde blames illegal miners, promises accountability

…..Ibadan explosion: Makinde blames illegal miners, promises accountability

An explosion that rocked Ibadan’s Bodija neighbourhood yesterday, causing widespread  damage and casualties has been

attributed to illegally stored explosives by unauthorised miners, according to preliminary investigations by security agencies.

The blast centred around a building occupied by miners ripped through a swathe of the city, impacting the Governor’s office

Read Also: Rescue operations ongoing as explosion rocks Ibadan, casualties figure unknown

the  state secretariat, the state parliament, and numerous residential areas.

Early reports suggested a grim toll, with estimates of up to 10 fatalities circulating. However, Governor Seyi Makinde, who

swiftly visited the scene, clarified that two people had indeed died, while 77 others sustained injuries. The state government is

covering medical care for the injured, with Makinde pledging additional support for those whose homes were affected.

Those found culpable will be brought to book,” the Governor affirmed via Twitter, emphasizing ongoing investigations. Rescue

efforts remain in full swing, with emergency services utilizing heavy machinery, ambulances, and medical personnel to

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navigate the devastation. Residents are urged to stay calm and avoid the immediate area to facilitate unobstructed rescue operations.

…..Ibadan explosion: Makinde blames illegal miners, promises accountability

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Written by Jonathan

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