
How I Lost A Pretty Damsel to Silence – Part 2

pretty damsel

This is a continuation of How I Lost A Pretty Damsel to Silence – Part 1. It might interest you to read the first part before continuing with the second part.

Let’s get back to the story.

She gave me her number and I went with her to where she could get a taxi to her final destination.

About 20 minutes later, I dropped her a text asking if she had reached out. Not getting a response, I consoled myself and kept calm. Joined back my company and a couple of days later around 8 pm when I was done with my work, I thought of trying out my luck.

I called her number and she picked up the call wondering who it was. I introduced myself, and she said she never expected my call as she has known people exchanging numbers on trains not to speak again;

Me: Had that been the case I wouldn’t have ever asked for your number.

She: Yes, true.

Me: What are you up to?

She: Was just having a chat with my friends and getting ready for dinner to be served at 8:30.

Me: What do you have generally for dinner?

And the discussion continued for another 10 minutes after which I thought I should disconnect my call lest she thinks I am a chip. Before hanging up, she thanked me for calling and asked for my name so that she could save my number.

Phone calls became a daily affair and soon we fell in love with each other. We went on our first movie date a few months later. We enjoyed each other’s company to the max and I was overjoyed because I found the love I had been longing for. It was not at all sexual, we just enjoyed being loved by each other, it was all about the emotions.

A couple of months later, we decided to get our families talking about marriage. She told me, that she grew up with her grandparents thinking they were her parents but when she was in class 8, they told her that her real parents stayed at a different place. She was numbed when she heard that and it was pretty difficult for her to accept the fact. But she still called her mummy and daddy and still preferred to travel back to them.

She informed her grandparents and they were all excited. I was all blushed about the thought of meeting them to ask their daughter’s hand till death do us part.

I joined a new team in my company and I got super busy with my work and rarely did find time to talk to her. On weekends I preferred to stay at home and sleep. She was all understanding and she was excited every time I called her or met her. Months started passing by without us talking or meeting.

She called me one fine day saying that her dad is coming to Bangalore, I was one asshole to respond OK. I should have decked up myself to meet him. But no, my work had taken away from my thoughts and this is where everything got screwed up. She would have thought I didn’t have any interest in her now and she proceeded to move on.

One fine day (maybe 6 months later)when I called her she said that her dad had again come to Bangalore to meet a guy whom her colleague had set up. And she had been talking with him for a couple of weeks now.

I jumped off my seat in the office, scared. Yes my worst fears came true, I had lost her. I requested her to give me one more chance, to which her response also sounded reasonable. If she asks her dad to meet me what will her dad think about her? I tried to ask for one last chance and accepted all my mistakes but she stood rock hard. She was once this butter for me who would melt with whatever I said. I must have done a hell lot of atrocities which turned her to this.

She never picked up my call knowing what I would be asking. I kept on texting her for a whole year regarding our meetings, and the times we spent but never did she ever respond. Come December 2016, I received a text saying she was getting married in Feb 2017. I went numb, then I went insane. I tried to reach out to each of her friends who knew me. No one responded to my calls or Facebook texts. That’s when I became sure that it was all my fault.

She kept her marriage event public on Facebook(I have been unfriended)I subtly liked it and watched this damsel’s photos crying hysterically and then smiling like an idiot.

PS: I don’t blame her for choosing someone else over me. Not meeting and not giving a phone for months does signify not being interested. I never had a partner with whom I had felt the same I felt for her, so I behaved the same way I would with my friends or parents and then told them that I was busy with work. And not having a lot of friends made me not understand human emotions. Life’s lesson learned. Wish her all health and wealth in life. I still love her madly and given a chance I would rush back to her to ask forgiveness and if she could come back in my life.

It’s not that we broke up and now we shouldn’t look at each other. I spent the best moments of my life with her, she made me laugh and had the most soothing touch when she held my hands, I felt good waiting for someone at a bus stop which I had never felt. We drifted apart but we gave a portion of our lives to each other and it was for a good reason. You will still be in my heart, yes I will move on. I will find someone who will make me move over you, who will make me feel the same way I felt with you but you will still be sitting in my mind like a damsel when I first saw you on the train.

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Written by Joseph

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