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How bride removed her wedding gown to escape abduction by bandits

Armed bandits
Armed bandits

A bride ran into the bush on her wedding day, to escape abduction by bandits who attacked them while she was being taken to her matrimonial home.

City & Crime gathered that the bride was being taken from a village in Paikoro LGA to Kuta, headquarters of Shiroro LGA, when bandits attacked their convoy around Kaffin-Koro in Paikoro LGA.

A sister of the bride, who didn’t want her name mentioned, told City & Crime that: “We were taking the bride to Kuta from my village. When we were approaching Kaffin-Koro, we were attacked by bandits.

“My sister was wearing her wedding gown in one of the cars behind. She quickly removed it. The bandits started chasing us in the bush. Two of the bride’s friends were kidnapped but they later escaped. The wedding couldn’t be held again. The wedding was postponed.”

Both the bride and the groom refused to speak about the incident, but sources close to them said they were terrified.

Daily Trust

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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