Gov. Tambuwal marshals out recipe for assessing Governors

By Dan Ekah, Sokoto

Sokoto Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal on Saturday marshaled out the criterion media should consider in assessing the performances of State Governors.

Speaking at a Gala nite to mark the end of the All Nigeria Editors Conference he co-hosted with the Nigerian Guild of Editors in Sokoto, Governor Tambuwal said it was unfair for the media to use one criterion for assessing the performance of Governors.

He pointed out that each state should be assessed on the basis of the conditions and peculiarity of the state such as allocation from the Federation account and its internal revenue generation capacity, population and other variables including its needs.

“it would be unfair to compare Kaduna and Nasarawa or Enugu and Ebony on the same pedestal because the resources at their Governors disposal are not the same.” He added.

The Governor revealed that he had concentrated on human development because of the peculiarity of his state saying it was for this reason that the state has made primary and secondary education free and given scholarship to 21,000 students.

He said that apart from education, he has given special attention to provision of potable water saying when he came on board in 2015, no local government headquarters has pipe-borne water facility but today 17 of them and several other communities enjoy such facility.

Earlier the President of the Guild of Editors, Mr. Mustapha Isah had acknowledged the friendly relationship that exist between the Governor and the media saying such relationship must however be backed by performance.

Mr. Isah said the tour  of selected projects has shown the Editors the direction the Governor intended to impact on his people and urged him not to relent.

The three day conference which has as its theme: A distressed media, impact on government, governance and society, also featured a special congress during the Guild ratified the election of Mr. Mustapha Isah as its President.

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