
Gambia truth panel urges prosecutions for crims committed during Jammeh’s era

Yahya Jammeh looking / PHOTO: AFP

By Jacob Kubeka –

Gambia’s truth committee, on Thursday, urged the government to prosecute a list of officials accountable for atrocities perpetrated under former dictator Yahya Jammeh, with victims insisting that the ex-leader himself is on the list.

Human rights organizations have long demanded that Jammeh be brought to justice for alleged crimes such as murder, torture, and rape committed during his 22 years in power in the West African country.

The TRRC, a truth commission established to investigate the claims, delivered its final report to President Adama Barrow on Thursday, recommending that the government pursue criminal proceedings.

The report highlights people who “hold the greatest responsibility for human rights violations and abuses,” according to TRRC Chairman Lamin Sise.

In a statement, he stated, “To forgive and forget… would not only impede reconciliation, but would also constitute a large and atrocious cover-up of the crimes perpetrated.”

Sise did not say whether Jammeh’s name is mentioned.

“There is no doubt that Yahya Jammeh was at the top of that list,” 11 Gambian and international rights organisations stated in a statement.

The report also “begins the countdown to the day Yahya Jammeh will have to confront his victims,” according to Reed Brody, who works with Jammeh-era victims.

The truth panel’s findings came after more than two years of hearings investigating atrocities committed under Jammeh.

Witnesses gave chilling evidence about state-sanctioned torture, death squads, rape and witch hunts, often at the hands of the “Junglers”, as Jammeh’s death squads were known.

The TRRC has not been empowered to prosecute those responsible for crimes, and the contents of its report will not immediately be made public.

Barrow is expected to release a white paper within six months on how to implement its recommendations.

Addressing a news conference in the capital Banjul, the president promised to deliver the white paper on time and assured victims that “justice will be done”.


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Written by Editor lll

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