
Fake news threat to Kogi, Imo and Bayelsa guber elections –INEC

INEC Chairman, Mahmood Yakubu
INEC Chairman, Mahmood Yakubu

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has identified fake news and misinformation as possible impediment to the country’s forth coming off-cycle governorship elections in Bayelsa, Imo, and Kogi states on November 11th.

The Chairman of (INEC), Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, who expressed the fear on Monday, noted that the commission is “conscious of the critical role of the media in our political and electoral process” but that “a free and vibrant press is also obliged to adhere to professional and ethical standards”.

Prof. Yakubu, who was represented by a National Commissioner and Chair of the Information and Voter Education Committee, Sam Olumekun specifically warned against the use of “abusive language directly or indirectly likely to injure religious, ethnic, tribal, or sectional feelings” in political campaigns. He also reminded the media of their constitutional obligations to provide equal coverage and visibility to all political parties.

The reservation from INEC came at a workshop in Nigeria’s north central state of Nasarawa.

The INEC’s reservation came at a time when there was growing concerns about the spread of fake news and misinformation in Nigeria, particularly on social media. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile cases of fake news being used to manipulate public opinion and sow discord.

“In the lead-up to the 2023 general election, INEC introduced a number of measures to combat the spread of fake news, including partnering with social media companies to remove false information from their platforms. However, the commission has acknowledged that it is facing an uphill battle against the spread of misinformation”.

INEC has called on political parties, candidates, and the media to play their role in ensuring that the off-cycle elections are conducted in a free and fair manner. The commission has also urged the public to be critical of the information they consume and to only share information from reputable sources.

Speaking also, a national Commissioner and Member of the Information and Voter Education Committee Prof. Kunle Ajayi urged Nigerian media to be ethical and avoid fake news in the upcoming off-cycle governorship elections in Kogi, Imo, and Bayelsa states.

According to him, the media plays a critical role in the electoral process, but that it is important for journalists to be objective and unbiased in their reporting. He warned against the spread of fake news and inflammatory and sensational news, which could incite violence or endanger social life.

In his goodwill message, the team lead of the Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) in Nigeria, Rudolf Elbling said the media is essential to democratic elections and a watchdog for the transparency of the process.

He said that Nigerian journalists are well trained professionals, but it is always worthwhile to come back to certain principles that are crucial to a credible and peaceful election process.

Elbling also said that the media plays a crucial role in educating the public about the electoral process and ensuring that citizens are informed about the candidates and issues.

He expressed concern about the safety of journalists in Nigeria, noting that elections can be dangerous for them due to tense and sometimes violent campaigns or the announcement of results.

In his welcome remarks, the Chairman of the INEC Press Corps, Segun Ojumu welcomed participants and highlighted the importance of accurate and unbiased reporting to ensure transparency, public trust, and the credibility of the electoral process.

Mr. Ojumu said that the workshop would cover a range of topics, including:

Election reporting: Ethical practices

Safety and conflict sensitivity in election coverage

Application of the Biometric Voter Accreditation System (BVAS)

Fake news and misinformation

Legal developments

Mr. Ojumu thanked INEC Chairman Prof. Mahmood Yakubu and the entire INEC management team for their support for the workshop, as well as the IVEC Chair and Directors and Deputy Directors, the DG of the Electoral Institute, and the DAI, for their contributions.

He also thanked all participants for their commitment to professional and ethical reporting, which he said is essential to the success

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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