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EU suspends budget support, security cooperation with Niger

niger coup
Niger Army spokesman Col. Major Amadou Adramane speaks during an appearance on national television after President Mohamed Bazoum was held in the presidential palace, in Niamey, Niger, July 26, 2023, in this still image taken from video. ORTN/via Reuters TV/Handout via REUTERS.

The European Union (EU) says it has suspended its financial support and cooperation on security with Niger with immediate effect following the military coup there.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell disclosed this in a statement.

The coup leaders declared General Abdourahamane Tiani as head of state on Friday, ousting President Mohamed Bazoum.

The EU, the United States, and other countries have called for the unconditional release of Bazoum from detention and the restoration of democratic order in the country.

“In addition to the immediate cessation of budget support, all cooperation actions in the domain of security are suspended indefinitely with immediate effect,” Borrell said.

Niger is a major recipient of Western aid and a key partner of the European Union in helping contain irregular migration from sub-Saharan Africa.

The EU also has a small number of troops in Niger for a military training mission.

The European bloc has allocated 503 million euros ($554 million) from its budget to improve governance, education and sustainable growth in Niger over 2021-2024, according to its website.

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Written by Tom Chiahemen

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