
Edo 2024: Olu D touches base with LP’s Governor Alex Otti in Umuahia

A frontline governorship candidate in Edo on the platform of Labour Party (LP]), Barrister Olumide Osaigbovo Akpata, was in Umuahia on Thursday morning to meet minds with the state governor, Dr Alex Otti.

Otti caused an upset in the 2023 governorship election by sinking the candidates of the Popeles Democratic Party, All Progressives Congress and All Progressives Grand Alliance in tbat election.

Otti has, since stepping in the saddle, been an examplar of what a Labour Party administration could offer at all levels of government with his people-oriented policies and programmes.

His achievements in less than a year have clearly indicated his focus and determination to build a robust infrastructure development legacy statewide.

In an intentional move to draw from the good governance exemplar, which Otti exemplifies in Abia, Olumide Akpata, aka Olu D, who has his eyes sharply focussed on Osadebay Avenue in Benin City, decided to touch base with him in Umuahia.

Olu D confirmed that he spent time with Otti to gain some valuable insights into Otti’s adept and utilitarian management of Abia State’s public finance.

Read him: “I spent quality time this morning in Umuahia with my friend and brother, H.E. Dr. Alex Otti, the Governor of Abia State.

“Our meeting allowed me to bring him up to speed on the progress we’ve made so far in the upcoming Edo elections, following the official commencement of campaigns.

“I also gained valuable insights into how he has adeptly managed Abia’s affairs within a short time and with limited resources.

“Having worked professionally with Dr. Otti during his stellar banking career, I’m not surprised by his superlative performance as Governor.

“I’m grateful that we’re both members of the Labour Party and enjoy a strong relationship.

“I fully intend to leverage these advantages when we eventually berth at Osadebay Avenue…the seat of Government in Edo State.”

What do you think?


Written by Nike

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