
Buhari congratulates Macron over second term electoral victory in France

President of France, Emmanuel Macron

President Muhammadu Buhari has felicitated with French president, Emmanuel Macron, for winning his second term of office.

In a congratulatory message issued by his media aide, Malam Garba Shehu, on Monday in Abuja, the Nigerian leader noted that Macron, 44, made history as the only sitting French leader to return in two decades.

Buhari affirmed that the iconic leadership style of the French president had continued to inspire a new generation of leaders and interests in politics and governance, starting from his country and beyond.

Macron spent six months in Nigeria working as an intern at the French Embassy in 2002.

Buhari noted the warmth and friendliness that had redefined Nigeria/France relations since Macron assumed office in 2017.

He noted that Macron visited Nigeria as president in 2018 and had consistently created lines for improved ties in economy, culture and security between the two countries.

According to him, this culminated in the France-Nigeria Business Council, African Cultures Season in 2020, and the France-Africa Summit.

The Nigerian leader congratulated the French President, his wife, Brigitte, friends and political associates on the historic feat.

He assured Macron of “Nigeria’s support as he continues with his advocacy of humanising policies, promoting peace and stability, and encouraging development through innovation’’.

Buhari wished the Macron God’s guidance and wisdom in his second term of office.


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Written by Editor lll

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