
Akpabio won’t resign over alleged N3.7trn budget padding – Senate spokesman

……Akpabio won’t resign over alleged N3.7trn budget padding

Chairman, Senate Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Sen. Yemi Adaramodu ,has berated calls for the resignation of President of Senate, Godswill Akpabio, over “unfounded allegations “of N3.7trillon budget padding .

Adaramodu in a statement in Abuja on Thursday ,said calls for resignation of Akpabio were unthinkable.

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He said Akpabio would not resign ,and had no intention to resign at any time because he had not committed any wrongdoing .The spokesman said it was shocking that PDP leadership could not comprehend what transpired at Tuesday’s plenary, during which the allegations were debated. 

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Adaramodu said Sen. Ningi was given an opportunity to defend himself and prove the budget padding allegations during the debate ,but failed to substantiate his claims,hence his suspension.“Contrary to the contention by the PDP that N3.7 trillion was discreetly inserted into the 2024 budget for alleged non-existent projects, and what transpired on the floor of the chamber.“It is open knowledge that no such absurdity is found in the budget passed by the National Assembly and signed by President Bola Tinubu, which is being implemented judiciously by the Federal government.”he said.Adaramodu said the Senate did not, in any way ,violate the constitution or its standing Rules and Orders, in not referring the matter to a relevant committee.He said the decision to take the issue in the Committee of the Whole was for transparency and fairness, and to afford the public the opportunity to follow the proceedings and have a value judgement as to who was lying to the nation.The spokesman said it was the constitutional responsibility of the Senate to vary and determine its internal rules, as deemed fit.According to him, Sen.Ningi was never intimidated or harassed, gagged or denied the privilege to exercise his right of reply as the senator was given ample opportunity to defend himself.He said the PDP expected the Senate to sweep the unfounded allegations under the carpet ,but that the 10th Senate under the leadership of Akpabio had zero tolerance for corruption, The spokesman further said the investigation of the “false” N3.7trn budget padding allegations could not have been conducted by the Senate in the closet ,as suggested.He said the 10th Senate, under Akpabio, would not be distracted from delivering good legislation and effective oversight for which Nigerians elected them.

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