Mental health: Ashton Hewitt ‘overwhelmed’ by racist abuse


Ashton Hewitt presumed he had experienced most kinds of racism by the time he had reached his late 20s.

A grandson of the Windrush generation, the Welsh rugby player had suffered abuse of various forms while growing up in Newport.

But his decision to use social media as a tool to encourage social change would come at a price and lead to some “dark” times.

Among the shocking material sent were images of black people being attacked, gorillas behind bars and people questioning if he was Welsh.

Now as part of Mental Health Awareness Week – which runs until 19 May – Hewitt is encouraging young people to seek support.

And he is pressing for rugby to overcome “old-school masculinity” by urging players to “open up” on the struggles they face, particularly at a time when careers in Welsh rugby appear more perilous than ever.


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