Don’t Miss Out on These Health Benefits of Honey


The health benefits of honey are so overwhelming. One can’t afford to miss out on these benefits that are so essential to the body.

Honey is a sweet fluid produced by honeybees using the nectar of flowering plants. There are over 300 hundred varieties of honey that vary in colour or /and flavor. Honey contains mostly sugar as well as mixed amino acids, vitamins and minerals, iron zinc, and antioxidant. Honey, which is rich in nutrients and antioxidant. has antibacterial properties and can play a role in diabetes management as part of a balanced diet.

Health Benefits of Honey

In addition to its use as a natural sweetener, is the use of honey as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial agent. people commonly use honey orally to treat cough and topically to treat burns and promote wound healing. Honey is generally safe in adult and children above a year old. It might be helpful in treating burns and coughs and possibly other conditions.

The products also have several potential health benefits and plays a role in many home remedies and alternative medicine treatments. Honey is essentially pure sugar with no fats and only trace amount of protein and fibre. It contains small amount of nutrients but most people typically don’t consume enough for it to be a significant dietary source of vitamins and minerals.

Health Benefits of Honey
Safety Health Benefits of Honey and It’s Side Effects

Honey is likely safe for the use as a natural sweetener, cough, suppressant and topical products for minor sores and wounds.

  1. Avoid giving honey-even a tiny taste to babies under the ages of 1year.
  2. Honey can cause a rare but serious gastrointestinal condition (infant botulism) by exposure to clostridium botulinum spores. Bacteria from the spores can grow multiply in baby’s intestines producing a dangerous toxin.
  3. Some people are sensitive or allergic to specific components in honey, particularly bee pollen.
  4. Although rare, bee pollen allergies can cause serious and sometimes fatal adverse reactions. Sign and symptoms include wheezing, Nausea, vomiting, weakness, Dizziness, fainting, excessive perspiration irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias) and stinging after topical application.
  5. Honey might affect blood sugar levels.
  6. Honey is often easy to add to your diet to get a small boost of antioxidant from honey such that you can use it in any way you’d typically use sugar.
  7. It’s excellent for sweetening plain yogurt, coffee, or tea.
  8. You can also use it in cooking and baking.

However, remember that honey is a type of sugar. So consuming it will cause your blood sugar levels to rise. Consuming large quantities of honey, especially consistently over a long period can contribute to weight gain and increase your risk of diseases like type 2diabetes or heart diseases. Honey offers several potential health benefits.

Thanks to the beneficial compounds as it contains such antioxidants and propolis it’s a great alternative to sugar but should only be consumed in moderation. it still behaves like sugar in your body.

This article is inspired by DrumBeat

Happy eating!

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