The new management of FRONTVIEWNEWS hereby acknowledge the tremendous strides of this eminent newspaper that had bestride the West African horizon for quite some times. We intend to sustain the lofty heights already attained and plan not to let down the hundreds of followers it has already gained.

You must have followed the trend of news reporting and analysis FRONTVIEWNEWS had been known for particularly in Nigeria and Ghana. You must also have been familiar with the now regular trends among Newspapers, both online and hard copies, in Nigeria, Ghana and even across the world to follow the news and not to create news.

FRONTVIEWNEWS intends to be different. In this new phase, this online newspaper intends to have two faces: environment and sports. We intend to specialize in news of our environment and with a different perspective. Incidentally, the environment which covers a lot of activities around us is a neglected sphere in our daily reportage of happenings around us.

Sports attract and hold the community together and to give it a different perspective, we intend to maintain and sustain a very vibrant dosage of sports in addition to the focus on environment.

We therefore are attempting to climb an onerous hill, a path where all the difficulties of reporting Planet Earth abound. But we shall strive to draw every one of us, the inhabitants of Planet Earth, to the realization that we need to look after where we inhabit. We need to always have a front view of our habitant and consider whether it is befitting or not.

We know that the early stages of this mission will be difficult but with time and commitment and most importantly, your own support and contribution, we can commence and sustain the journey.

Our mission is to sustain the world. Our vision is to open the world to see itself and our target is a front view that should be pleasing to everyone. Come along, subscribe, follow, like and advertise on FRONTVIEWNEWS to keep it alive!!

Bon voyage!!

Dan Ekah

Editor in chief

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