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2024: Two Broke Men –



Two men were struggling. One had a theatre group that struggled; he had actors but he could barely pay them because the gigs they got were few and far in between. The other man was a Preacher Man struggling to get his ministry together while raising a young family.



The Preacher Man had a talent, he could write. He had just written a story, and he had taken his little resources to turn the story into a stage play in Atlanta. However, the play did not quite work out as he’d thought it would. Perhaps, he did not have the skill of directing a stage play.



The Preacher Man, who had a story, met the Theatre Man who had a crew that barely had work. At the time they met in Atlanta, the Theatre Man was living out of his car. The Preacher Man offered the story to the Theatre Man, and the latter was willing to give it a try. They brought whatever resources they could gather; used whatever they found as costumes and props, in order to do the stage play. After all, man dem no go kill themselves.



For three nights, they did the play, and the attendance was encouraging, and they believed that was the best they could do. On the last night, a man who had seen the play walked up to the Preacher Man and told the man “This is so nice, it should not be stage performance, it should be a film.” The Preacher Man thanked him for the commendation but quickly shut down the idea of doing a film production, “We don’t have money to do film,” he said. The man replied, “If you’re ready, we will find the money.”



Unknown to the Preacher Man and the Theatre Man, the man whom they spoke with was a man who had access to rich people’s pockets. The three men came together, collaborated and a film was made. The film was grudgingly entered into the Santa Barbra Film Festival, and it won. The film then went straight into the theatres and became huge at the box office.



The Theatre Man built on the success of that movie, went on to make more movies that blew Hollywood. The Preacher Man’s ministry gathered visibility and bloomed beyond anyone’s imagination. The man who financed the film also got wealthier because of the success. The stage actors were able to crossover from being stage actors to becoming Hollywood stars through that movie.



The Theatre Man is the man the world now know as Tyler Perry of the Tyler Perry studios. The Preacher Man is the man now known as Bishop T.D. Jakes of The Potters House.



I have a word for you going into 2024: “All blessings come from God, through men to men” – Joshua Selman. The answer to your prayers for growth, progress, and expansion in 2024 is in PEOPLE. The people who hold the answer to your prayers will not appear like the keys you’re looking for, they will look ordinary and plain, nothing special. TD Jakes needed Tyler Perry’s crew and expertise. Tyler Perry needed a powerful story. Both men, at the time were broke, and did not look like the answer to each other’s prayers.



When God is answering your request, He will bring people into your life that do not exactly look like what you’re praying for. In 2024, please be sensitive; relationships will be the key to the growth you’re seeking.




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Written by Joseph

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